Aborn Pet Hospital requires rabies vaccinations for dogs and cats, per Fremont city ordinances and California state law, for safety compliance.

A Rabies Vaccination Is Required For Both Dogs & Cats To Be Seen Or Treated At Aborn Pet Hospital
The City Of Fremont Requires Cats & Dogs To Be Vaccinated With Rabies And Licensed. We Are Required To Report To The City As Per City Ordinances.
State Law: California Health & Safety Code § 121690 17 CCR § 2606.4
- Dogs must be vaccinated at 3 months of age and re-vaccinated one year after the primary immunization with an approved type of rabies vaccine.
- Dogs shall be revaccinated thereafter at least once every three years with an approved type of Rabies Vaccine.
- Only Licensed Veterinarians are allowed to vaccinate for rabies.
Note that while some states have adopted statewide mandated vaccinations for dogs and cats against rabies, others delegate that decision to local governments such as counties and or cities & local ordinances.
Why is rabies vaccination of companion animals important?
In California, companion animals can be exposed to rabies when they encounter rabid wildlife, such as bats, skunks, or foxes. Vaccination not only protects your animal from disease and death due to rabies but also provides an important second level of defense for you and your family.
Which companion animals should be vaccinated against rabies?
Dog owners must comply with California legal requirements for vaccination and licensure of all dogs over four months of age. Rabies vaccination is strongly encouraged for cats and horses that are outdoors and have potential contact with wild animals. Birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish cannot get rabies and these pets should not be vaccinated.
Fremont CA Pet Licensing & Citations
If you are a City of Fremont resident, your dog or cat is required to be licensed:
- Within 30 days of acquiring a cat or dog that is over 4 months old
- When your cat or dog turns 4 months old
- When you move to Fremont with a cat or dog
- When your pet license expires
Animal Licensing Fees are a lot more affordable than you think. Fees for Sterile (Spayed or Neutered) pets start as low as $12-$42 for up to 3 years.
Please check with the city of Fremont for more information by going to this link: https://tricityanimalshelter.org/166/Pet-Licensing
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